TrunCAD GmbH | Copyright ©2024 | All rights reserved
Europaplatz 1
D-88131 Lindau
Fon: +49(0)8382-98905-0
Fax: +49(0)8382-98905-19
Director: Frank Ruschmeier
VAT-ID: DE 234 159 560
The prices listed here are net prices.
This offer is primarily aimed at business customers and traders & entrepreneurs in the sense of §14 BGB.
1. this promotion and our products are not affiliated with Facebook or Google.
2. this promotion and our products are not affiliated with Apple.
3. the customer testimonials and results mentioned are not guaranteed, but are all 100% genuine and NONE of the carpenters and joiners have been compensated in any way for their quote, comment or picture/video.